Elsie Julien
We announce the death of Elsie Agnes Julien
Age 91 of 41 King George V Street who resided in Mount Vernon, New York.
She died on Thursday 5th December, 2024.
She leaves to mourn
Brother: Bernard Julien and his children Tamara, Annmarie, Gail, Maryann, Mary, Gerard and Lauren.
Nieces and nephews including: Jennifer, Marie-Louise, Kathryn, Leslie, Sharon, Shamaner, Kimaner, Beverley, Angela, Adrian, Michael, Winfred and numerous others here and abroad.
Godchildren, grandnephews and grandnieces, friends both here and abroad including Reginald Winston, Cynthia McCauley and Renauld Deschamps.
The body of the late Elsie Julien will be transported from Lyndhurst funeral home for viewing at 2:30 pm on Friday 10th January at the Roseau Cathedral Chapel. Funeral Mass begins at 3:00pm at the followed by interment at the Roseau Catholic Cemetery.