Ezabella Bella Catherine Fontaine
We announce the death of: Ezabella Bella Catherine Fontaine
Age: 92 of: Pte. Soufriere
She died on Wednesday 4th December, 2024.
She was a member of the St Vincent de Paul.
She was the mother of: Patricia and Princess who resides in Florida.
She is remembered by
10 Grandchildren – Brenda in Florida, Angelo, Angela, Precious, Pretty, Rose, Sherlon ,Patrisse, Eddie, Shana
15 Great grand: Izzy, Snnow, Taj, Wynter, Sherlon, Nova, Kurt, Deshawn, Nikki, Malika, Ryian, Malik, Amanda, Dedo.
5 great grand: Terry, Avianna , Jayon, Malayjah, Candido, Sariyah
Son-in-law: Winston
Nieces and nephews including: Iroy and George.
Other Relatives to include: Jerome and family, Stephanie, Magdeline in NY, Cornelia, Zexia, Margel and the Durand family and Defoe family in Bagatelle.
Close friends: Vania, Miss Lass, Lorna and family, Julia and family, Ernie and George, Kent, Ezole , Eve and family, Bessie and the Newton family, Paulina and family, Miss Stoute and family, Edith and family
The honorable – Octavia Alfred
Other family and friends too numerous to mention.
The body of the late Ezabella Fontaine will be transported from Lyndhurst Funeral Home for viewing at 1p.m on Saturday 1St February, 2025. Funeral mass will take place at 2p.m at the San Sauveur Catholic Church. Followed by interment at the San Sauveur Catholic Cemetery.