Mary-Anne Verna Anselm
We announce the death of beloved Mary-Anne Verna Anselm better known as Ma Vona, Vons, ‘M’, Lady, Mama and Granny M of Fond St. Jean who resided at Kennedy Ave and later Stock Farm.
Age 91 years
She died on Friday 14th March 2025 at Dominica China’s Friendship Hospital.
She lives to mourn:
9 children:
3 sons: Matthew Fox Stephen, Emmanuel Mano Stephen in Dominica, Peterson Foxy Stephen in St Martin
6 daughters: Cynthia Stephen Hewitt in Canada, Edith Stephen, Norma Edwards, Catherine Lowe, Sylma Nicholls, Mary -Anselm all in Dominica
33 grandchildren
38 great grandchildren
1 great great grandchild
Caretaker: Mary Anselm and Norma Edwards
1 brother: Conrad Cojoe Francis
1 sister-in-law: Jane Baron
2 sons-in-law: Baret Edwards and Lionel Lowe
2 daughters-in-law: Del Steven and Catherine Harve Stephen
Many nieces and nephews too numerous to mention
2 grand nephews
The Anselm, Francis and Defoe families of Fond St. Jean, Fab, Bagatelle and Grandbay
Friends: The Stewart and Chasseau families in Goodwill, the Rocque family in Bath Estates, the William family in Bellevue, the community of Kennedy Ave., Tarish Pits, Yam Piece and Stockfarm, Members of the Church of God 7th Day.
The body of the late Mary-Anne Verna Anselm better known as Ma Vona, Vons, ‘M’, Lady, Mama and Granny M will be transported from Lyndhurst Funeral Home for viewing at 2:00 PM at the St. Alphonsus Catholic Church, Goodwill on Monday 24th March 2025. Funeral Mass begins at 2:30 PM followed by Interment at the Roseau Catholic Cemetery.