Rosemma Joseph
We announce the death of Mrs. Rosemma Joseph.
Age: 75 Of: Portmouth
She died on the 20th of December 2019 at the Princess Margaret Hospital
She leaves to mourn:
Husband: Stafford Joseph
Children: Rosemay Haywood. Everick, Cortlin, Rita, Shemly, Martin Walters of the Dominica Police Force. One adopted daughter Lucia Destouche
Grandchildren: Germa Tavanier, Kernel Mills, Evericka, Everickson, Carol, Everlyn, Shaun, Gail, Bradley, Brandon, Deon, Curtilda, Curdeja, Rayelle, Curdeje, Tonya, Shermica, Dushane, Tashema, Mahaica Walters
Eighteen Great grand children
Step children: Steve Joseph and Suzanne Joseph Piper
Nieces: Diana, Stephanie, Sardina, Yvonne Charles
Close Relatives: Juliana Lawyck, Horsford family, Clarita Benjamin
Close Friends including members of the St. Johns and St. Lewis church community, Fr. Celsus, Fr. LaFleur, Fr.Martin, Fr. Sharplis, Fr. Elveau
Many other relatives and friends too numerous to mention.
The body of the late Rosemma Joseph will be transported from Lyndhurst Funeral Home for viewing at 2:30pm at the Portsmouth Catholic Church on Friday January 10, 2020. Funeral Service takes place at Portsmouth Catholic Church followed by internment the Portsmouth Catholic Cemetery.