John Greenaway
We announce the death of: John Greenaway
Age: 44 Of: Layou
He died at his residence on May 4th, 2021.
He was the son of: Brudy Greenaway
He will also be remembered by:
Five Sisters: Deian Greenaway, Wendy Greenaway, Maria Greenaway, Joanna Greenaway & Joan Registe
Four Brothers to include: Errol Vidal in Antigua & Smithy Charles in Dominica
One Brother in Law: Vivian Munroe
Eleven (11) Nieces including: Pamela; Adisia; Jowanter; Vivica Munroe; Grace Greenaway
Six (6) Nephews including: Dilon; Abednego; Asher; Quamie Greenaway; Leroy Vidal in Antigua
7 Grand nieces
1 Grand nephew
Aunts: Orelia; Coraline; Rachel; Emalia; Margaret Rose; Victoria Greenaway; Cynthie & Lina Johnson
Uncles: Kennedy Greenaway; Francis; Joseph, Leo Greenaway; Alphonsus; Thomas; Doun; Jameson; Earlsworth & Julian Johnson
Godmother: Ivenia James
Cousins: Jeffery Johnson; Gerrin Goubiere; Tamisha Jno Baptiste; Tesaline & Lyn Christopher; Delin Daniel; Cindy Joseph; Janel; Demarie; Nadia; Marisla; Aldy; Leeia; Brad & Kessler Johnson; and others too numerous to mention
Close Friends; Avan, Leandra, Kerry Mility, Shanda Johnson,
Other Friends and relatives too numerous to mention
The entire community of Layou, St. Joseph and Tearreau
The body of the late John Greenaway will be transported from Lyndhurst Funeral Home on Thursday 20th May for viewing at 2:30 p.m at the St. Joseph Catholic Church. Funeral mass will take place at 3:00 p.m. Followed by interment at the St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery.