Joseph Williams
We announce the death of: Joseph Williams better known as Tay
Age: 83 Of: Fond Canie
He died on the 20th of March at the P.M.H.
He was the father of: Desmond, Karen, Cheryl and Michelle Williams
He will also be remembered by his
Partner: Rhoda Frederick
Brother: Newtown William
Nieces: Alex, Emelia, Avonelle, Susan and Joan
Nephews: Desmond Dublin, Craig and Peter Williams
Cousins: Avan, Olivette, Katherine, and the Williams family
In –Laws: Dublin, Seraphine, Williams and Etienne Families
Caretaker: Mervin
Close family and friends from the communities of Castle Comfort and Fond Canie, other relatives and friends too numerous to mention.
The body of the late Joseph Williams known as Tay will be transported from Lyndhurst Funeral Home for viewing at 2:30pm on Wednesday 10th April March at the Roseau Cathedral Chapel. Funeral Service takes place at 3:00pm followed by Internment at the Roseau Catholic Cemetery.