Alkins Kirton
ALKINS NATHANIEL KIRTON, F.R.I.C.S., I.R.R.V., of Paradise Heights, St. Michael entered into rest on November 13, 2019.
Father of Anne-Marie Prescod (Canada) and Alberto Dawe.
Grandfather of Aaron and Asher Prescod.
Brother of Angolyn Kirton and the late Adrian Kirton.
Uncle of Althea Hazzard. Karen Batson, Karol Chambers and Adriane Jemmott.
Father-in-law of Andrew Prescod and Charise Dawe.
Nephew of Natalia Springer, Eulene Hurley-Stuart and Michael Drayton.
Friend of Bruce and Undine Bradshaw, the Staff of A. Kirton, Inc., Michael Power, Velma Newton, Nicholas Maynard, Members of the Democratic Labour Party and Members of Barbados Rotary West.
Relative of the Hurley, Blenman and Springer families.
The funeral leaves Lyndhurst Funeral Home, Passage Road, St. Michael on Saturday, November 23, 2019, for The Cathedral Church of St. Michael and All Angels, where relatives and friends are asked to meet at 10:00 a.m. for the service. The cortege will then proceed to Coral Ridge Memorial Gardens, The Ridge, Christ Church for the interment. Flowers may be sent to Lyndhurst Funeral Home no later than 7:30 a.m. on Saturday. The body of the late Alkins Nathaniel Kirton, F.R.I.C.S., I.R.R.V. will repose in the Colin Parkinson Memorial Chapel, Lyndhurst Funeral Home on Friday, November 22, 2019, from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.