Gloria Goring
GORING – ALICIA, late of 2nd Avenue, Pickwick Gap, St. Michael, formerly of Thomas Gap, Westbury Road, St. Michael, entered into rest on April 25th, 2017.
Mother of Vincent Goring, Brenda, Beverley, Stephen, Wendy, Donna and Marcel Edwards, Elsa Boyce and the late Vesta Goring. Grandmother of 28. Sister-in-law of Shirley Goring of Eden Lodge, St. Michael. Aunt of Natalie, Cathy, Barry and Francis Goring. Relative of the Goring, Edwards and Burnett families. Friend of Marion Clarke, Derek Alleyne, Wendy Holder, Enid Kellman and Paulette Aimey.
The funeral leaves Lyndhurst Funeral Home, Passage Road, St. Michael on Wednesday, May 10, 2017, for the King Street Seventh Day Adventist Church, where relatives and friends are asked to meet at 2:00 p.m. for the service. The cortege will then proceed to Westbury Cemetery for the interment. Flowers may be sent to Lyndhurst Funeral Home, no later than 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday. The body of the late Alicia Goring will repose in the Colin Parkinson Memorial Chapel, Lyndhurst Funeral Home, on Tuesday, May 09, 2017 from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.