Bertie Corbin

BERTIE EDISON CORBIN, better known as “Bob” or “Bobby” and “Gadgets” to the Citizens Band Radio Fraternity, of 2nd Ave Holders Land, Brandons, St. Michael and formerly of #25 Stratford Hill, Pinelands, St. Michael entered into rest on May 22, 2016.Technician and former employee of Diamond Towers, Golden Treasure Arcades and Towels Limited.Son of Pearl Corbin and the late Bertie Harewood.Father of Fire Officer 247 Shawn Nurse. Adoptive father of Rodney Lashley. Grandfather of four.Brother of Steve Corbin. Uncle of three.Nephew of Gloria O’Neale.Cousin of John Hinds, La Sonta Corbin-Bolanos, David O’Neale and many others. Relative of the Bynoe, Collymore and Boyce families. Friend of Lennox Hope, John ‘De Doc’ Bynoe, Samuel Reifer, Kay, Vern, Angela, residents of 2nd Ave Holders Land, Brandons and many others. The funeral leaves Lyndhurst Funeral Home, Passage Road, St. Michael on Monday, June 06, 2016 for Coral Ridge Memorial Gardens, The Ridge, Christ Church where relatives and friends are asked to meet at 10:00 a.m. for the service and cremation. The body of the late Bertie Edison Corbin will repose in the Colin Parkinson Memorial Chapel, Lyndhurst Funeral Home on Sunday, June 05, 2016 from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.


Jun 06 2016


10:00 am - 11:00 am

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Jun 06 2016
  • Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Funeral Director

Russell Griffith
Russell Griffith
(246) 426-4170

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1 entry.
Brenda John Pinder Brenda John Pinder wrote on February 19, 2018 at 9:07 am
My condolences to the family of Bertie Corbin. It is never easy to lose a loved one in death. However, we have the wonderful promise from Jehovah of the resurrection at John 5:28,29 that all those in the memorial tombs will come out. What a wonderful prospect to look forward to.
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