John Turney Marsh

MARSH – JOHN TURNEY, of East Point, St. Philip, entered into rest on December 23, 2016.
Husband of Helen Marsh. Father of Selina Marsh. Funeral arrangements entrusted to Lyndhurst Funeral Home.


Jan 05 2017

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Jan 05 2017

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1 entry.
A Friendly Neighbour A Friendly Neighbour wrote on February 15, 2018 at 10:18 am
In this hard time, I hope the bible can provide some means of encouragement. Rev 21:4 ("he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more"), Isa 25:8 ("He will swallow up death forever"), 1 Cor 15:26 ("And the last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing").
I hope the God of all comfort can comfort you with his tender mercies.
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