Lorton Moore

REVEREND LORTON McGREGOR MOORE, J.P, aged 69 years of #10 Edgecliff Gardens, St. John. Retired Teacher and Pastor of the Wobourne Wesleyan Holiness Church, Flat Rock, St. George.
Husband of Glendine Moore.
Father of Toni Moore, M.P. and General Secretary of the Barbados Workersโ€™ Union and Antonio
Moore, Public Relations and Marketing Consultant.
Grandfather of Aryanna Bascombe.
Father-in-law of Emerson Bascombe.
Brother of Doreen Jackman, Esther Myers and Priestly Moore (both of the UK), Jean Brathwaite,
Harriette Forde and the late Arnold and Scoffield Moore.
Brother-in-law of Hazel Worrell, Hariot Haynes (USA), Gloria Hollingsworth, Marva Sobers and Barry Brathwaite.
Uncle of Kenneth and Betty Jackman, June Nyarko, Valerie Davis and Anita Amadi (all of the UK), Marilyn Jackman, Roger Moore, Ryan Brathwaite (Barbados Light & Power), Patsy and Linette
Russell, Sharon Nelson, Sandra Dawson, Goldie Gill (Medical Student, QEH) and many others.
Godfather of Chareece Jones, Shari Watson and Christopher Harris.
Cousin of Erline Mayers, Joyce Brathwaite, Sheldene Croney, Dr. Melanase Alleyne (Principal of
Cuthbert Moore Primary School) and many others.
Friend of Reverend Joel Cumberbatch, Reverend Cleo Haynes, Marva Greene, Bentley Wickham,
Andrew and Marina Watson, Jonathan Lewis and many others.
A service of celebration and thanksgiving will be held on Friday, January 14, 2022 at the chapel of Coral Ridge Memorial Gardens, The Ridge, Christ Church, where relatives and friends are asked to meet at 10:00 a.m., followed by the interment. Flowers may be sent to Lyndhurst Funeral Home, no later than 7:30 a.m. on Friday. The body of the late Reverend Lorton McGregor Moore, J.P. will repose at Wobourne Wesleyan Holiness Church, Flat Rock, St. George on Thursday, January 13, 2022 from 3:00 โ€“ 5:00 p.m. Kindly note that all COVID-19 protocols will be in effect.

The family invites you to view the live streaming of the service, to view, please click here.


Jan 14 2022


10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Jan 14 2022
  • Time: 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Funeral Director

Peter Griffith
Peter Griffith
(246) 426-4170

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4 entries.
Phylliss Watson Phylliss Watson wrote on January 14, 2022 at 11:13 am
Sincere condolences and prayers to my family in Barbados. Thank you for sharing Mr. Larton with me. He was an inspiration to me and my destiny. He gave more than he received. I will always remember his kind and loving spirit. He arms and heart were always open to give guidance and words of wisdom. I miss you all. Take care and know that you are always in my heart and prayers.
Petra Griffith Petra Griffith wrote on January 14, 2022 at 10:06 am
Sincerest condolences to the Moore family from Petra and Seren Griffith.
Shernelle Wilkie Shernelle Wilkie wrote on January 12, 2022 at 5:46 pm
My condolences to Mrs. Glendine Moore, Toni and Antonio.
Mr. Moore was a very jovial, caring, fair and straightforward man. He loved life, food, especially and the Lord. I remember he used to tease all of us at St. Joseph Primary School unmercifully so we can laugh until we were in tears.
We had some good times together as a group whether it be elaborate at the Hilton Hotel, at school or at his home.
We will surely miss him, his sound advice and loud voice.
May the Lord be with you all in this sad time. May He give you the strength and comfort you all need.
Love from Marva Carrington, Brian Cook, Shirley Thomas, Minda Elfise- Blackman, Sabrina Weekes and Shernelle Wilkie.
Yvette Humphrey Yvette Humphrey wrote on January 9, 2022 at 7:36 am
Sincere condolences to you Toni, so sorry for your loss.
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